Monday, September 27, 2010


Okay, so I suppose "B-DAY" is most commonly associated with "Birthday," but I'm labeling it "BABY DAY" (though I suppose the former is also appropriate).

We're nearing the end of our pregnancy, and Jonah is packing on the pounds. At our last doctor's visit, he had an estimated weight of exactly 8 lbs. According to the good people at Carolinas Women's Center, he could weigh more, but he could also weigh less. As guestimates go, however, he's in the 88th percentile for weight, and he has an awesome Buddha belly. Given that we're at 38 (coming up on 39) weeks, what does all of this mean? Will he simply continue to strive for Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man proportions and enter the world an unrivaled behemoth?

As it turns out, inducing labor is an option that might best suit our situation. We certainly could wait until the 40--or 41--week mark comes along, but our doctor has emphasized that Jonah is simply getting fatter at this point. To reduce the chances of Erica needing a C-section, we're seriously considering getting the ball rolling this coming Friday. And when I say seriously, I'd wager there's a 90% chance it'll happen (unless Erica goes into labor at some point before this coming weekend).

After a long, exciting nine months (or so), we're almost there, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Erica says she isn't nervous about the actual delivery--really, her anxiety is centered on making sure we have everything prepared at work and at home for our little boy's arrival.

Also, I promise to do my best to upload photos/video when I'm able. To be perfectly honest, though, I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with my wife, my son, and our extended family, so media associated with Jonah's birth might be delayed until Monday or Tuesday sometime.

That's it for now. Please pray for us over the course of this coming week (and, of course, weekend), and I'll certainly keep everyone updated on the status of the delivery!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

3 Weeks and Counting...

This past Friday, we had our usual check-up with the doctor to see how Jonah is coming along. He's doing great--in fact, it looks like he's going to be a fairly sizable baby (at our last appointment, the ultrasound tech. estimated his weight at 6 lbs, 6 ozs.). Erica is currently measuring at 40 weeks, and we're scheduled to have another ultrasound this coming Friday so the docs can gauge how much weight he's put on. If the little tike gets too much bigger, it's look a C-section will be in the cards. We're both totally fine with that: our prayer is that he's delivered quickly and safely (whatever that might look like).

The nursery is pretty much finished. Of course, I had to hang a Star Wars poster in there to give it the necessary "nerd" flair that my room had when I was a kid. I'm sure Jonah will appreciate it when he gets older.

I've also bought him Season 1 of "The Clone Wars." I may have already watched it, though.

Friday, September 3, 2010

35 Week Ultrasound

I know the lighting in this video is terrible, but at least you can enjoy the conversation and watching Jonah squirm around on the ultrasound monitor.

Also, our son currently weighs 6.5 lbs. I think it's safe to say that he'll be pretty big by the due date.